Security & Privacy

Kooi (Kooi Trading B.V.) & Kooi Alarm Centre (Kooi Service & Security Centre B.V.) deem your privacy to be of paramount importance, hence we comply with the General Data Protection Regulation. This privacy statement provides all the information required about how your personal data are collected and how we deal with them.

It states where your information is stored and your rights in relation to your information and how you can use these rights. The privacy statement may be adjusted at certain times as a result of amendments to the law. It is therefore recommended to consult the statement at regular intervals.


Privacybeleid Kooi & Kooi Alarm Center

Objectives for processing
There are various objectives for which our companies collect personal data, which are explained below.

Your data are collected if you contact us through our website. This form only requests the data required to contact you to make an offer, for instance.

Sending mailshots
We intermittently send our customers and associates a mailshot to share information about new developments in our companies.

Google Analytics
The Kooi website collects your information to improve the website using Google Analytics. This information is anonymous and not linked to your personal data.

General use for the benefit of management
We also require your personal data as part of our services to customers, such as for providing and gathering (project) information.

Personal data recipients
The personal data you provide to us are naturally kept by us. If they are handled by a sub-processor, this is done only after your written consent. This is also dealt with through our employer agreements.

Storage of personal data
Personal data are retained in accordance with legal terms, such as four weeks for camera footage. Storage takes place on our own secure servers in the Particuliere Alarmcentrale (Private Alarm Centre) in our building or in the secure environment of Datacenter Fryslân in Leeuwarden.

Security of personal data
Personal data are securely stored and managed by Kooi. Access to our network is filtered as per user or device, and access to our website is encrypted using an SSL certificate. In addition, our building has access monitoring and an alarm system, preventing unauthorised access to the building and systems. Kooi is ISO 27001-certified and an ISMS (Information Security Management System) has been implemented with which all personnel must comply.

This privacy statement is adapted to the use and options of the Kooi website and services. Any modifications and/or changes in this site may result in modifications to this privacy statement. It is therefore recommended to consult this privacy statement regularly.

Rights of the party involved
As a ‘party involved’, you naturally have rights in relation to privacy and your personal data. These are set forth below:

  1. Right of inspection; you can request/inspect your personal data from us at any time
  2. Right of rectification; you can have your information modified at any time in the event of an error or mistake in the data stored at Kooi.
  3. Right of transfer; you are entitled to ask us to transfer your data to another service or product you switch over to.
  4. Right to have personal data erased; if you no longer wish for your personal data to be stored at Kooi, you are entitled to have them erased.
  5. Right of cessation of the use of information; you are entitled to have the use of your personal data ceased.
  6. Right to lodge a complaint; if you believe your personal data are not being dealt with correctly, you are entitled to lodge a complaint.


If you wish to make a claim to one of the above rights, or if you have other questions concerning the use of your personal data, please contact us at the following address:

Kooi Trading B.V.

Zonnedauw 10
9202 PA Drachten
+31(0)512-544 145

Kooi Service & Security Centre B.V.

Zonnedauw 10
9202 PA Drachten
+31(0)512-544 910