Advantages of Vacant Property Security Surveillance

During the construction of a solar farm, expensive panels, inverters, and cables can be found on site which are susceptible to theft and vandalism. Ensure the cost-efficient security of your solar farm during the construction phase with Kooi's advanced solar farm security cameras.


24/7 Monitoring

Continuous surveillance ensures constant protection, keeping your solar farm secure around the clock.


Remote monitoring

Linked to the Kooi Alarm Center, 24/7 monitoring, remote sirens and alerts prevent theft and vandalism


Plug and Play

Our team handles the entire setup, ensuring your system is operational instantly.


Sustainable Solutions

Solar powered units for eco-friendly and energy-efficient security

Fixed Costs

Fixed Costs

Our pricing includes maintenance, surveillance, and support, providing you with a fixed cost for a hassle-free experience.

Kooi Alarm Center

Our in-house Alarm Center has an average response time of less than 10 seconds

Don't just record crime. Prevent it.

Proactive Vacant Property Security 

Theft and vandalism can cause significant financial damage to your project or site. However, you can prevent such losses and avoid project delays by securing your location with temporary and mobile surveillance cameras. We understand the importance of safety and peace of mind, and our innovative 24/7 surveillance cameras and direct follow-up ensure that any uninvited guests or disturbances are noticed.

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Discover our Temporary Camera Surveillance units

Discover the power of our mobile surveillance units. Protect your site from theft and vandalism, preventing significant financial damage and project delays. Secure your location with our temporary, high-quality cameras for peace of mind.

UFO - Pro


Praesent vehicula vestibulum nisl, ut dapibus urna volutpat at. Nostra camera unit, etiam UFO appellata, suspiciosas res maturius detegit ut damnum et furtum in tuo loco constructionis vel loco praecaveas.

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UFO - Pro


Praesent vehicula vestibulum nisl, ut dapibus urna volutpat at. Nostra camera unit, etiam UFO appellata, suspiciosas res maturius detegit ut damnum et furtum in tuo loco constructionis vel loco praecaveas.

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UFO - Pro

UFO Prime

Praesent vehicula vestibulum nisl, ut dapibus urna volutpat at. Nostra camera unit, etiam UFO appellata, suspiciosas res maturius detegit ut damnum et furtum in tuo loco constructionis vel loco praecaveas.

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Explore our work

Discover how our thermal cameras secure sites across different sectors, effectively preventing fire and damage, ensuring our clients business process.

Remote surveillance: A game-changer for construction site management

Remote surveillance: A game-changer for construction site management

Remote surveillance revolutionizes construction site management by providing real-time monitoring and reducing the need for on-site personnel. This technology enhances security, optimizes resources, and ensures efficient site operations.

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Why do our UFO emit infrared light?

Why do our UFO emit infrared light?

Kooi's UFOs emit infrared light to ensure clear visibility during nighttime and low-light conditions. This technology enhances surveillance capabilities, allowing for continuous monitoring without the need for additional lighting.

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Why choose video surveillance cameras instead of manned surveillance?

Why choose video surveillance cameras instead of manned surveillance?

Video surveillance cameras offer a cost-effective and efficient alternative to manned surveillance. With 24/7 monitoring and advanced technology, they provide continuous protection without the limitations of human presence.

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7 common misconceptions about camera security

In a world where safety is a priority, the implementation and perception of camera security are still riddled with misconceptions. This technology, which can be invaluable to both businesses and individuals, is often misunderstood. This whitepaper delves deeper into these misconceptions and provides a comprehensive insight into the reality of camera security.

Download whitepaper

Security solutions for every sector

Our expertise includes temporary mobile camera surveillance and heat detection, tailored to your security needs. With innovative technology and a dedicated team.



Prevent damage and theft on your construction site or premises. We monitor your construction site or premises by detecting suspicious situations early with our advanced camera unit, also known as UFO.

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Prevent damage and theft on your construction site or premises. We monitor your construction site or premises by detecting suspicious situations early with our advanced camera unit, also known as UFO.

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Prevent damage and theft on your construction site or premises. We monitor your construction site or premises by detecting suspicious situations early with our advanced camera unit, also known as UFO.

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Related News

Stay updated on Kooi's latest product launches and innovations in security. Discover new services, advancements, and company news.

Frequently asked questions about Mobile Video Surveillance

Mobile video security is crucial for protecting construction sites, events, and remote locations. Frequently asked questions cover topics such as the benefits of mobile video surveillance, installation procedures, and system capabilities. Users often inquire about the range of features like live monitoring, motion detection, and night vision. Questions also include the scalability of systems, integration with existing security measures, and the cost-effectiveness of mobile video solutions. For more detailed answers and insights into mobile video security, explore our comprehensive FAQ section.

Securing a solar farm with our surveillance solutions brings numerous benefits. It mitigates the risks of theft, and damage, often resulting in cost savings and providing peace of mind for investors and stakeholders.

It is possible to move the camera units. Our systems are designed to be relocated with ease. Moreover, we offer multiple energy sources, in case there is no access to the mains. This way there always is a sufficient amount of energy to power the security for vacant property.

Security costs vary based on factors like your industrial park's size. Kooi's approach is more efficient than traditional security guards. Our goal is to keep expenses as minimal as possible. We conduct a non-binding security check to assess risks in your industrial park, after which we present a cost-effective service package for your consideration.

Upon detecting suspicious activity, the Alarm Center is alerted. Our experts assess the situation to respond appropriately. They contact you as soon as the situation is under control, providing a detailed incident report.

Need assistance with your security challenges?

We are pleased to advice you for the best possible security solution.